Selasa, 12 Desember 2023
Kamis, 23 November 2023
Selasa, 14 November 2023
Rabu, 25 Oktober 2023
Senin, 09 Oktober 2023
Selasa, 03 Oktober 2023
Minggu, 10 September 2023
Solusi Pengiriman Cargo Anda
- Agensi Pelayaran / Maskapai untuk Pengiriman Cargo ke berbagai belahan dunia
- Pengurusan cargo Ekspor, Impor dan Domestik
- Pengurusan cargo ATA Carnet / CPD Carnet
- Pengurusan cargo untuk kepentingan perbaikan, pameran, perlombaan, dll.
- Pengurusan cargo barang pindahan Kedutaan besar, Karyawan, Pendidikan, dll
- Pengurusan cargo barang berbahaya (DG Cargo)
- Pengurusan cargo barang dengan suhu berpendingin (Reefer Container)
- Pengurusan mesin-mesin atau peralatan dengan over dimensi (Flatrack Container)
- Pengurusan cargo dengan kapal tongkang, Kapal tanker, kapal LCL, Kapal Roro, dll
- Menyediakan Bendera Ekspor atau Impor bagi yang belum memiliki.
- Fasilitas pergudangan, bongkar muat, buruh, dll
- Menyediakan Armada Trailer, Lowbad, Doli, Wingbox, Dump truk, CDE, CDD, Mini Box.
- Memberikan pelayanan konsultasi untuk saran dan solusi secara gratis
- Menyediakan jasa pengurusan perizinan perusahaan Ekspor, Impor dan lainnya
- Pengiriman domestik ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, laut, darat dan Udara.

Senin, 04 September 2023
PPJK di Jakarta
- Agensi Pelayaran / Maskapai untuk Pengiriman Cargo ke berbagai belahan dunia
- Pengurusan cargo Ekspor, Impor dan Domestik
- Pengurusan cargo ATA Carnet / CPD Carnet
- Pengurusan cargo untuk kepentingan perbaikan, pameran, perlombaan, dll.
- Pengurusan cargo barang pindahan Kedutaan besar, Karyawan, Pendidikan, dll
- Pengurusan cargo barang berbahaya (DG Cargo)
- Pengurusan cargo barang dengan suhu berpendingin (Reefer Container)
- Pengurusan mesin-mesin atau peralatan dengan over dimensi (Flatrack Container)
- Pengurusan cargo dengan kapal tongkang, Kapal tanker, kapal LCL, Kapal Roro, dll
- Menyediakan Bendera Ekspor atau Impor bagi yang belum memiliki.
- Fasilitas pergudangan, bongkar muat, buruh, dll
- Menyediakan Armada Trailer, Lowbad, Doli, Wingbox, Dump truk, CDE, CDD, Mini Box.
- Memberikan pelayanan konsultasi untuk saran dan solusi secara gratis
- Menyediakan jasa pengurusan perizinan perusahaan Ekspor, Impor dan lainnya
- Pengiriman domestik ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, laut, darat dan Udara.

Kamis, 24 Agustus 2023
Rabu, 23 Agustus 2023
didirikan 2008 sebagai
International Freight Forwarder Laut dan Air Freight Forwarder, Customs
Brokerage, Project Kargo, Kiriman Domestik
dan Transportasi Darat.
Dengan kantor pusat di Jakarta dan kantor cabang di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT memiliki reputasi profesional yang sangat baik pada fleksibilitas dan servis terbaik. Memiliki jaringan keagenan di seluruh dunia, SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT dengan mudah dapat memberikan pelayanan Door to Door dengan tarif yang kompetitif dari Perusahaan Cargo lainnya.
Dalam menjaga pelayanan terbaik kami, anda akan dilayani secara langsung oleh tenaga ahli kami, yang mana anda akan diberikan saran dan solusi terbaik dalam proses pengiriman barang. Sehingga biaya atas pengiriman dapat ditekan dan masa pengiriman bisa lebih singkat dan tepat waktu.
Silahkan Hubungi Sales Kami :
Bapak Yohanes (+62 852 1002 3774)
Atau emailkan kebutuhan anda ke :
Services Terbaik Kami :
- Pengurusan Kepabeanan untuk barang-barang umum
- Pengurusan ATA carnet
- Pengurusan untuk kepentingan perbaikan, pameran, perlombaan, dll.
- Pengurusan barang-barang pindahan Kedutaan besar, Karyawan, Pendidikan, dll
- Pengurusan barang-barang berbahaya (DG Cargo)
- Pengurusan barang-barang dengan suhu pendingin (Reefer Container)
- Pengurusan mesin atau peralatan dengan over dimensi (Flatrack Container)
- Pengurusan kargo dengan kapal tongkang, Kapal tanker, kapal LCL, Kapal Roro, dll
- Menyediakan Bendera Ekspor dan Impor bagi yang tidak memiliki.
- Pergudangan, bongkar muat, buruh, dll
- Menyediakan Armada Trailer, Lowbad, Doli, Wingbox, Dump truk, CDE, CDD, Mini Box.
- Memberikan pelayanan konsultasi secara gratis
- Menyediakan jasa pengurusan perizinan perusahaan Ekspor dan Import
- Pengiriman domestik ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, laut, darat dan Udara.

Rabu, 02 Agustus 2023
Bagi anda yang mencari undename untuk PI Kehutanan, terlampir adalah HS code yang terdaftar di PI kehutanan kami, untuk mendapatkan tarif terbaik, silahkan untuk menghubungi marketing kami :
Yohanes Saputra (0852 1002 3774)

Kamis, 27 Juli 2023
Undername PI Alas Kaki

Selasa, 25 Juli 2023
didirikan 2008 sebagai
International Freight Forwarder Laut dan Air Freight Forwarder, Customs
Brokerage, Project Kargo, Kiriman Domestik
dan Transportasi Darat.
Dengan kantor pusat di Jakarta dan kantor cabang di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT memiliki reputasi profesional yang sangat baik pada fleksibilitas dan servis terbaik. Memiliki jaringan keagenan di seluruh dunia, SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT dengan mudah dapat memberikan pelayanan Door to Door dengan tarif yang kompetitif dari Perusahaan Cargo lainnya.
Dalam menjaga pelayanan terbaik kami, anda akan dilayani secara langsung oleh tenaga ahli kami, yang mana anda akan diberikan saran dan solusi terbaik dalam proses pengiriman barang. Sehingga biaya atas pengiriman dapat ditekan dan masa pengiriman bisa lebih singkat dan tepat waktu.
Silahkan Hubungi Sales Kami :
Bapak Yohanes (+62 852 1002 3774)
Atau emailkan kebutuhan anda ke :
Services Terbaik Kami :
- Pengurusan Kepabeanan untuk barang-barang umum
- Pengurusan ATA carnet
- Pengurusan untuk kepentingan perbaikan, pameran, perlombaan, dll.
- Pengurusan barang-barang pindahan Kedutaan besar, Karyawan, Pendidikan, dll
- Pengurusan barang-barang berbahaya (DG Cargo)
- Pengurusan barang-barang dengan suhu pendingin (Reefer Container)
- Pengurusan mesin atau peralatan dengan over dimensi (Flatrack Container)
- Pengurusan kargo dengan kapal tongkang, Kapal tanker, kapal LCL, Kapal Roro, dll
- Menyediakan Bendera Ekspor dan Impor bagi yang tidak memiliki.
- Pergudangan, bongkar muat, buruh, dll
- Menyediakan Armada Trailer, Lowbad, Doli, Wingbox, Dump truk, CDE, CDD, Mini Box.
- Memberikan pelayanan konsultasi secara gratis
- Menyediakan jasa pengurusan perizinan perusahaan Ekspor dan Import
- Pengiriman domestik ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, laut, darat dan Udara.

Senin, 17 Juli 2023
didirikan 2008 sebagai
International Freight Forwarder Laut dan Air Freight Forwarder, Customs
Brokerage, Project Kargo, Kiriman Domestik
dan Transportasi Darat.
Dengan kantor pusat di Jakarta dan kantor cabang di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT memiliki reputasi profesional yang sangat baik pada fleksibilitas dan servis terbaik. Memiliki jaringan keagenan di seluruh dunia, SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT dengan mudah dapat memberikan pelayanan Door to Door dengan tarif yang kompetitif dari Perusahaan Cargo lainnya.
Dalam menjaga pelayanan terbaik kami, anda akan dilayani secara langsung oleh tenaga ahli kami, yang mana anda akan diberikan saran dan solusi terbaik dalam proses pengiriman barang. Sehingga biaya atas pengiriman dapat ditekan dan masa pengiriman bisa lebih singkat dan tepat waktu.
Silahkan Hubungi Sales Kami :
Bapak Yohanes (+62 852 1002 3774)
Atau emailkan kebutuhan anda ke :
Services Terbaik Kami :
- Pengurusan Kepabeanan untuk barang-barang umum
- Pengurusan ATA carnet
- Pengurusan untuk kepentingan perbaikan, pameran, perlombaan, dll.
- Pengurusan barang-barang pindahan Kedutaan besar, Karyawan, Pendidikan, dll
- Pengurusan barang-barang berbahaya (DG Cargo)
- Pengurusan barang-barang dengan suhu pendingin (Reefer Container)
- Pengurusan mesin atau peralatan dengan over dimensi (Flatrack Container)
- Pengurusan kargo dengan kapal tongkang, Kapal tanker, kapal LCL, Kapal Roro, dll
- Menyediakan Bendera Ekspor dan Impor bagi yang tidak memiliki.
- Pergudangan, bongkar muat, buruh, dll
- Menyediakan Armada Trailer, Lowbad, Doli, Wingbox, Dump truk, CDE, CDD, Mini Box.
- Memberikan pelayanan konsultasi secara gratis
- Menyediakan jasa pengurusan perizinan perusahaan Ekspor dan Import
- Pengiriman domestik ke berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, laut, darat dan Udara.

Selasa, 30 Mei 2023
SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT was established 2008 as an International Sea Freight forwarder and Air Freight Forwarder, Customs Brokerage, Project Cargoes, Domestic Shipments and Inland Transportation.
With its head office in Jakarta.PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT has an excellent professional reputation on due to its flexibility and serviceablity. Having its agency network throughout the world, SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT is represented in all the main areas in the dynamic world of shipping and logistic.
Our best services by Air and Sea :
- Customs Clearance General Cargo (Export and Import)
- Handling ATA carnet (Export and Import)
- Handling Temporary Shipment (Export and Import)
- Handling Personal effects (embassy, employees, student, etc.)
- Handling DG shipment (Export and Import)
- Handling Reefer container (Export and Import)
- Handling Flat Track Shipment (Export and Import)
- Handling Project cargo / Break Bulk services
- Undername Customs / Undername Trading
- Warehouse Services
- Trucking or delivery Services
- Consultant Export and Import
- Handle Import or export license business in Indonesia
- Intersuler Services

Senin, 27 Februari 2023
To have a good trip, the main problem usually comes from the goods you bring along the journey. Thus, you are highly suggested to know the applicable rules that regulating passenger’s belonging from abroad to Bali, Indonesia.
Every passenger from abroad are obligated to declare all the belongings from abroad in Customs Declaration including personal medication, food, beverage, money, etc. Why? It is because the belongings you bring is considered as import goods. Certain goods are not allowed and some needed legal permission. Also, import goods is subjected to tax. However, every passenger is exempted USD 500 per person. If you bring goods with value more than the exemption, the excess will be taxed. Thus, if you are planning to come to Indonesia, you need to check the belongings you can and cannot pack in order to pass the border.
Permitted goods are still limited and prohibited goods are totally banned. If you are accidentally or not breaking the rules, the fine is applicable. Keep in mind that passenger personal goods are the goods used for personal purposes including the rest supplies.
FYI, used or secondhand goods are prohibitted to enter Indonesia in accordance to Indonesia Trade Ministry Regulation Number 20in 2021. For handphones or other communication device is only allowed 2 pieces/ person, the excess will be detained in accordance to Indonesia Trade Ministry Regulation Number 25 in 2022.
Some food or beverage allowed is still restricted and prohibited to be brought as passenger’s good from abroad to Bali, such as:
- Alcoholic beverage is only allowed 1 litre/ adult passenger (only for 21 years old above) ;
- Cigarettes is only allowed 200 cigarettes, 25 cigars, 100 grams of sliced tobacco or other tobacco products (only for 18 years old above); and
- Raw food (vegetable, fruit, seeds, and meat) is required permission from Quarantine in Country of Origin and Indonesia Quarantine.
Please be aware of Quarantine concern goods such as animal, fish, plant, are obligated to be included with Quarantine permission from abroad and Indonesia.
Personal medicine is obligated to be declared in Customs Declaration and highly suggested to present the doctor’s prescription with the same dosage or amount that is prescribed or recommended. Keep in mind, medicine contain with narcotics and marijuana will be executed.
Please be considered in bringing cash money. Every passenger from abroad who bring cash with value more than Rp 100.000.000 or aproximately USD 7000 is OBLIGATED to declare it in Customs Declaration (CD Form). The failure to declare it, administration penalty is applicable (administration penalty is charged 10% from the amount of cash, in accordance to the regulation of Indonesia Ministry of Finance Number 100 in 2018).
Unaccompanied baggage is passenger’s goods that arrived before and/or after the passenger arrival under these requirements:
-The goods arrive within 30 (thirty) days prior to the arrival of the Passenger or no later than 15 (fifteen) days after the arrival of the Passenger;
-The sender and recipient are under the same name in accordance with the identity in the passport;
-The boarding pass or ticket and passport with immigration stamp are
required to be presented to validate the passenger arrival; and
-The new goods found inside the baggage is subjected to tax.
Do not forget the important documents that you will need such as passport, boarding ticket, and visa (if required). Make sure that your belonging is safe and will not cause any trouble during your visit or come back to Indonesia. Troubling goods will be processed immediately in order to protect Indonesia and its citizen.
Before arriving to Indonesia, you will be handed a form to declare all the goods you bring, including food, beverage, money, and other valuable goods, by the airlines crew. The form is a customs declaration. It is a requirement to fill the form since your belongings are considered as import goods. Afterwards, your customs declaration will be synchronized with the luggage you bring.
To make it easier about how customs declaration works, here are illustrations to explain the procedure you will pass:
- Getting customs declaration form;
- Arriving at the arrival gate;
- Passing immigration gate;
- Claiming your baggage;
- Submitting the customs declaration;
- Checking your belonging through examination or inspection (if required).
Customs declaration is useful for tracking the goods you bring while visiting Indonesia. It also helps to prevent any illegal conduct, such as smuggling, for protecting the Indonesia citizen from unwanted affair.
What is a commercial or non-personal goods? It is a goods that is not intended for personal usage. The goods are brought to be sold, gifted as souvenir, and as sample, raw and auxiliary materials for industry.
If you are travelling with commercial/ non-personal goods, please be noted that commercial/ non-personal goods brought by a passenger or airlines crew is not exempted from customs duty, excise and other taxes. Since commercial/ non-personal good is subject to customs duty, excise and taxes.
Keep it in mind that every item of your belonging is considered as import goods.
If your goods are categorized as commercial goods, you are suggested to choose facility for temporary import. Indonesia’s regulation has two facilities you can choose to import commercial goods for your convenience.
- Temporary Imported Goods
You are highly suggested to use this facility to import your commercial goods since it is more suitable for importing a good amount of goods. Temporary import is divided into two kinds of facility as follow:
Temporary Imported Goods (PMK 142/ 2011)
Temporary import according to PMK 142/ 2011 is determined as an act of importing goods in which will be re-export in 3 years of period. The terms and conditions are applied as follow:
- The goods will not exhausted;
- The goods are easy to identify;
- The goods will not change in shape or formation for 3 years, except they worn out due to utilization;
- The goods are supported by the documents to inform that they will be re-exported.
The period of temporary import permit is granted upon application in accordance with its intended use for a maximum period of 3 (three) years from the date of registration of temporary import customs notification. In the case of temporary import period with less than 3 (three) years, the period of the temporary import permit may be extended more than 1 (one) time based on the application, during the period of temporary import permit in which no more than three years from temporary import customs notification registration.
Can your imported goods get customs exemption? Absolutely yes! However, you need to know the terms and conditions too. For further information and details of the goods in which can be imported with custom exemption, please click here.
How to apply temporary imported goods facility?
You can get this facility by filing an application letter addressed to General Director through the Head of Custom Local Service and Supervisory Offices. However, if you are a passenger of an airlines, this condition can be avoided.
Application Letter must contain at least:
- Details of type, quantity, specification, identity and estimated temporary import customs value;
- Temporary import port of imported goods;
- The purpose of the use of temporary imported goods;
- Temporary use location of imported goods; and
- Temporary import period.
The application must at least be accompanied by these supporting documents as follow:
- Documents stating that the goods will be re-exported; and
- Documents of applicant identity such as NPWP, SIUP and API/APIT.
Keep it in mind that the application you apply could be rejected or accepted. If it is accepted, the Head of Office on behalf of the Minister shall issue temporary import permit. If it is rejected, the Head of Office shall make a notice of rejection of the application by stating the reason for the denial.
Due to temporary imported goods subject to import duty exemption, the importer shall submit a guarantee to the Head of Office at the amount of the import duty and payable imports tax or in which shall be paid on the imported goods concerned. For imported goods temporarily exempted of import duty, an importer shall pay an import duty of 2% (two percent) per month or portion of the month, multiplied by the amount of temporary import period, multiplied by the amount of payable import duty for the imported goods and Value Added Tax or VAT and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM). In addition, on the behalf of the obligation to pay import duty, VAT or PPnBM, the importer shall submit a guarantee of the difference between the incoming fee which should be paid with the paid and the Income Tax according to article 22. Importer shall make import customs notification according to customs supplementary and / or temporary import permit documents that submitted to head of customs office no later than 3 (three) months since date of temporary import permit, accompanied by receipt of payment and / or guarantee. If the delivery of import customs notification exceeds the 3 month time limit, the temporary import permit granted shall be declared no longer valid.
Toward temporary imported goods in a non-new condition and / or subject to the import trade system shall be subject to import approval from the competent authority before the goods discharge from the customs area.
A person who is late in re-exporting imported goods is temporarily liable to administrative sanctions in the form of a fine of 100% (one hundred percent) of the import duty payable. Meanwhile, the person who does not re-export the imported goods is obliged to pay import duty and subject to administrative sanction in the form of a fine of 100% (one hundred percent) of the import duty that should be paid. The importer may be exempt from the obligation to re-export the imported temporary goods and the obligation to settle the shortage of import duty and administrative sanction based on the approval of the Head of Office or Director General due to force majeure condition. The force majeure shall be supported by a statement from the competent authority, and an event report and an official report shall be made by the relevant official.
ATA (Temporary Admission)/ CPD Carnet System
ATA/ CPD Carnet System is the facility to import your goods temporary with customs exemption using a single entry document as the replacement of national customs document. The Carnet permits the equipment or merchandise to pass customs without the payment of import duties and import taxes, such as VAT or GST.
The types of goods that can be imported using ATA/ CPD Carnet System must have these criteria:
- The goods are used for performance or exhibition and other similar events;
- The goods are used as a professional equipment;
- The goods are used for education, science, or culture importance;
- The goods are the tourist or visitor’s needs for exercise (sport equipment);
- The goods are used for humanitarian interest;
- The goods are used as transportation.
Choose ATA Carnet if you intend to bring goods for exhibition/fairs, professional equipment, commercial samples, manufacturing operation, educational-scientific-cultural, traveller’s personal effect-sports purposes, tourist publicity, frontier traffic, humanitarian purposes, and animals.
Choose CDP if you intend to bring any mean of transport.
What is Customs Clearance? Customs clearance is an activity of passing goods through customs for entering or leaving Indonesia. The goods you bring, either companied or not, will be checked. It is an act of synchronizing your customs declaration with your actual goods you bring. If something unusual is found inside your belongings, further inspection is unavoidable. For example, conducting body or physically inspection, re-checking your goods in X-ray, or even unloading all the goods.
After declaring the belonging on the customs declaration form and submitting it, you are suggested to determine either your goods will pass the red or green channel. If you bring some or one of items in the red channel, you are obligated to pay tax as a customs duty based on the regulation PMK/ 203/ 2017. Meanwhile, you will be served customs exemption if your items are not categorized in red channel in which it means that your goods passing the green channel. Customs will conduct analysis upon the goods declared and the passenger or crew should proceed the clearance through one of these following channels:
Red Channel, if the passenger or crew brings any of these following items:
- Animals, fish and plants, including their products (vegetables, food, etc);
- Narcotics, psychotropic substances, precursor, drugs and medicines, fire arms, air gun, sharp objects (i.e. sword, knife, etc), ammunitions, explosives and pornographic materials;
- Currency and/or bearer negotiable instrument in Rupiah or other currencies which equal to the amount of 100 million Rupiah or more;
- Tobacco and tobacco products:
- More than 200 cigarettes or 25 cigars or 100 grams of sliced tobacco, and 1 litre beverages containing ethyl alcohol (for passenger); or
- More than 40 cigarettes or 10 cigars or 40 grams of sliced tobacco, and 350 millilitre of beverages containing ethyl alcohol (for crew);
- Commercial merchandise (article for sale, sample used for soliciting order, materials or components used for industrial purposes, and/or goods which are not considered as personal belongings); and/or
- Goods purchased or obtained overseas which will be remain in Indonesian territory and total value exceed USD 500.00 per person and exceeds USD 50.00 per person (for crew).
Green Channel, if your items are not any goods aforementioned above in Red Channel. However, Customs has the authority to conduct physical inspections if there is any suspicious upon goods processed by Green Channel.
- The goods are used for exhibition outside customs dumps;
- The goods are used for seminar;
- The goods are used as illustration or demonstration;
- The goods are needed by expert or scientist;
- The goods are needed for experiment, research, science, and culture
- The goods are used for general performance, sport, or competition;
- Packaging that will be used for the goods to be imported or exported repeatedly or not;
- The goods are used as sample or model;
- The goods could be a yacht that is used by tourist;

Selasa, 21 Februari 2023
For people currently live abroad and want to move back to Indonesia, it is possible to ship their personal belonging. The procedure for importing in order to relocate personal goods is known as Personal Effect, specifically it is called as Imported Personal Effect.
Thus, please check the requirements for Imported Personal Effect below.
What is Personal Effect?
Personal Effect is import procedure means for Relocating Personal Goods from abroad to Indonesia.
Who are possible to obtain the permit for Personal Effect?
- Civil servants/ Military Personnel (TNI) work or study abroad;
- State Diplomats/ Officials serving abroad;
- Civilians (Students, College Students, Employees) study or work abroad; and
- Foreigner’s nationals work in Indonesia.
Is personal effect subjected to import duty?
Personal effect is exempted from import duty. However, Customs officer still has authority to do further provisions if necessary (terms and requirements are applied). Thus, further information from the sender/ the recipient regarding the goods is needed for the detail inspection.
Who are not allowed to obtain facilities exemption?
- State diplomats/ Government Officials live abroad and only come back to Indonesia for annual leave purpose are not allowed to obtain exemption from import duty for personal effect. The regulation is applicable to civilians lived abroad less than 1 year.
- Goods categorized as merchandise and motor vehicles.
Are prohibited items allowed to participate personal effect?
What is prohibited item?
Prohibited items are items subject to LARTAS (Prohibition and Restriction) that is prohibited and/or restricted to be imported or exported. LARTAS is issued by The Competent Technical Agencies, the Ministry or Non-Ministerial Government Agencies Head Office, that define LARTAS regulation on imports or exports and deliver the regulation to Indonesia Ministry of Finance.
What are the requirements for the importation of personal effect?
Requirements for importing personal effect for Civil Servants/Military Personnel (TNI) from working or studying abroad:
- Proposing a request for submission of PIBK
- Filling out PIBK form
- Submitting documents:
- Original BL (Bill of Lading)/AWB (Airway Bill)
- Invoice + Packing List
- Original Passport
- Boarding Pass/Ticket
- SKEP Placement
- SKEP Withdrawal
Requirements for the importation of personal effect for Civil Servants/ Military Personnel (TNI) studying abroad:
- Proposing a request for submission of PIBK
- Filling out the PIBK form
- Submitting documents:
- Original BL (Bill of Lading)/AWB (Airway Bill)
- Invoice + Packing List
- Original Passport
- Boarding Pass/Ticket
- Studying abroad letter of assignment
Requirements for the importation of Personal Effect for Students/ College Students/ Employees studying abroad:
- Proposing a request for submission of PIBK
- Filling out the PIBK form
- Submitting documents:
- Original BL (Bill of Lading)/AWB (Airway Bill)
- Invoice + Packing List
- Original Passport
- Boarding Pass/Ticket
- Study Completion Statement Letter
Requirements for the importation of Personal Effect for Diplomats/ State Officials (Non-Government Employees) assigned abroad:
- Proposing a request for submission of PIBK
- Filling out the PIBK form
- Submitting documents:
- Original BL (Bill of Lading)/AWB (Airway Bill)
- Invoice + Packing List
- Original Passport
- Boarding Pass/Ticket
- Working agreement with foreign ministry
- Statement letter from KBRI/ Consul General (Konjen)/ Indonesian Representative Abroad
Requirements for the importation of Personal Effect for Indonesian citizens working abroad:
- Proposing a request for submission of PIBK
- Filling out the PIBK form
- Submitting documents:
- Original BL (Bill of Lading)/AWB (Airway Bill)
- Invoice + Packing List
- Original Passport
- Boarding Pass/Ticket
- Statement Letter from Indonesian Embassy/ Consul General/ Indonesian Representative abroad
Requirements for the importation of Personal Effect for foreigners working in Indonesia:
- Proposing a request for submission of PIBK
- Filling out the PIBK form
- Submitting documents:
- Original BL (Bill of Lading)/AWB (Airway Bill)
- Invoice + Packing List
- Original Passport
- Boarding Pass/Ticket
- Limited Stay Permit Card (KITAS)
- Foreign Workers Hiring Permit (IMTA)
How is the process for importing personal effect?
The owner of the goods comes to the Customs office where the Personal Effect will be imported by carrying out those requirements. Then submit PIBK (Personal Effect Import Notification) to the head of the Customs office. Afterwards, physical inspection will be carried out. If the Personal Effect is declared as green channel and there is no Lartas items, SPPB (Approval Letter of Goods Release) will be issued. SPPB means that personal effect is allowed to be delivered to the goods owner.
Why I must show my boarding pass/ticket?
In order to get an import duty exemption facility, there will be requirements that need to be fulfilled such as: goods must be arrived with the owners less than 3 months, after or before the owner of the goods is arrived in Indonesia. Even though it can be proven from the arrival stamp from the immigrations in the passport. However, the boarding pass/ticket is still required to submit.
How can I provide an Invoice & Packing List, aren’t all my used goods?
Packing List is important, why? Because it can make the physical inspection more efficient. The invoice itself is filled with estimated price of the value of the goods, even it is secondhand. Invoice & Packing List can be created using example like the following that emphasized that the cargo does not have a sell value. It is because all the goods are secondhand. If later on during the inspection new items are found, then the new items will be subjected to import duty.
All the written above is in accordance to Article 25 paragraph 1 letter (L) Law Number 17 in 2006 about changes to Regulation Number 10 in 1995 concerning Customs General Regulation and Indonesia Minister of Finance Regulation Number 28/PMK.04/2008 dated February 11th, 2008.

Minggu, 01 Januari 2023
PT.SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT was established 2008 as an International Sea Freight forwarder and Air Freight Forwarder, Customs Brokerage, Project Cargoes, Domestic Shipments and Inland Transportation.
With its head office in Jakarta.PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT has an excellent professional reputation on due to its flexibility and serviceablity. Having its agency network throughout the world, PT.SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT is represented in all the main areas in the dynamic world of shipping and logistic.
Our best services by Air and Sea :
- Customs Clearance General Cargo (Export and Import)
- Handling ATA carnet (Export and Import)
- Handling Temporary Shipment (Export and Import)
- Handling Personal effects (embassy, employees, student, etc.)
- Handling DG shipment (Export and Import)
- Handling Reefer container (Export and Import)
- Handling Flat Track Shipment (Export and Import)
- Handling Project cargo / Break Bulk services
- Undername Customs / Undername Trading
- Warehouse Services
- Trucking or delivery Services
- Consultant Export and Import
- Handle Import or export license business in Indonesia
- Intersuler Services
- Shipping agent of FCL shipment
- Consolidation for LCL shipment