Sabtu, 10 Desember 2022



SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT was established 2008 as an International Sea Freight forwarder and Air Freight Forwarder, Customs Brokerage, Project Cargoes, Domestic Shipments and Inland Transportation.

With its head office in Jakarta.PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT has an excellent professional reputation on due to its flexibility and serviceablity. Having its agency network throughout the world, SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT is represented in all the main areas in the dynamic world of shipping and logistic.

Our best services by Air and Sea :

  1. Customs Clearance General Cargo (Export and Import)
  2. Handling ATA carnet (Export and Import)
  3. Handling Temporary Shipment (Export and Import)
  4. Handling Personal effects (embassy, employees, student, etc.)
  5. Handling DG shipment (Export and Import)
  6. Handling Reefer container (Export and Import)
  7. Handling Flat Track Shipment (Export and Import)
  8. Handling Project cargo / Break Bulk services
  9. Undername Customs / Undername Trading 
  10. Warehouse Services
  11. Trucking or delivery Services 
  12. Consultant Export and Import
  13. Handle Import or export license business in Indonesia
  14. Intersuler Services
  15. Shipping agent of FCL shipment
  16. Consolidation for LCL shipment

Jumat, 09 Desember 2022



SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT was established 2008 as an International Sea Freight forwarder and Air Freight Forwarder, Customs Brokerage, Project Cargoes, Domestic Shipments and Inland Transportation.

With its head office in Jakarta.PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT has an excellent professional reputation on due to its flexibility and serviceablity. Having its agency network throughout the world, SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT is represented in all the main areas in the dynamic world of shipping and logistic.

Our best services by Air and Sea :

  1. Customs Clearance General Cargo (Export and Import)
  2. Handling ATA carnet (Export and Import)
  3. Handling Temporary Shipment (Export and Import)
  4. Handling Personal effects (embassy, employees, student, etc.)
  5. Handling DG shipment (Export and Import)
  6. Handling Reefer container (Export and Import)
  7. Handling Flat Track Shipment (Export and Import)
  8. Handling Project cargo / Break Bulk services
  9. Undername Customs / Undername Trading 
  10. Warehouse Services
  11. Trucking or delivery Services 
  12. Consultant Export and Import
  13. Handle Import or export license business in Indonesia
  14. Intersuler Services
  15. Shipping agent of FCL shipment
  16. Consolidation for LCL shipment

Kamis, 08 Desember 2022


SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT was established 2008 as an International Sea Freight forwarder and Air Freight Forwarder, Customs Brokerage, Project Cargoes, Domestic Shipments and Inland Transportation.

With its head office in Jakarta.PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT has an excellent professional reputation on due to its flexibility and serviceablity. Having its agency network throughout the world, SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT is represented in all the main areas in the dynamic world of shipping and logistic.

Our best services by Air and Sea :

  1. Customs Clearance General Cargo (Export and Import)
  2. Handling ATA carnet (Export and Import)
  3. Handling Temporary Shipment (Export and Import)
  4. Handling Personal effects (embassy, employees, student, etc.)
  5. Handling DG shipment (Export and Import)
  6. Handling Reefer container (Export and Import)
  7. Handling Flat Track Shipment (Export and Import)
  8. Handling Project cargo / Break Bulk services
  9. Undername Customs / Undername Trading 
  10. Warehouse Services
  11. Trucking or delivery Services 
  12. Consultant Export and Import
  13. Handle Import or export license business in Indonesia
  14. Intersuler Services
  15. Shipping agent of FCL shipment
  16. Consolidation for LCL shipment

Rabu, 07 Desember 2022



SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT was established 2008 as an International Sea Freight forwarder and Air Freight Forwarder, Customs Brokerage, Project Cargoes, Domestic Shipments and Inland Transportation.

With its head office in Jakarta.PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT has an excellent professional reputation on due to its flexibility and serviceablity. Having its agency network throughout the world, SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT is represented in all the main areas in the dynamic world of shipping and logistic.

Our best services by Air and Sea :

  1. Customs Clearance General Cargo (Export and Import)
  2. Handling ATA carnet (Export and Import)
  3. Handling Temporary Shipment (Export and Import)
  4. Handling Personal effects (embassy, employees, student, etc.)
  5. Handling DG shipment (Export and Import)
  6. Handling Reefer container (Export and Import)
  7. Handling Flat Track Shipment (Export and Import)
  8. Handling Project cargo / Break Bulk services
  9. Undername Customs / Undername Trading 
  10. Warehouse Services
  11. Trucking or delivery Services 
  12. Consultant Export and Import
  13. Handle Import or export license business in Indonesia
  14. Intersuler Services
  15. Shipping agent of FCL shipment
  16. Consolidation for LCL shipment



SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT was established 2008 as an International Sea Freight forwarder and Air Freight Forwarder, Customs Brokerage, Project Cargoes, Domestic Shipments and Inland Transportation.

With its head office in Jakarta.PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT has an excellent professional reputation on due to its flexibility and serviceablity. Having its agency network throughout the world, SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT is represented in all the main areas in the dynamic world of shipping and logistic.

Our best services by Air and Sea :

  1. Customs Clearance General Cargo (Export and Import)
  2. Handling ATA carnet (Export and Import)
  3. Handling Temporary Shipment (Export and Import)
  4. Handling Personal effects (embassy, employees, student, etc.)
  5. Handling DG shipment (Export and Import)
  6. Handling Reefer container (Export and Import)
  7. Handling Flat Track Shipment (Export and Import)
  8. Handling Project cargo / Break Bulk services
  9. Undername Customs / Undername Trading 
  10. Warehouse Services
  11. Trucking or delivery Services 
  12. Consultant Export and Import
  13. Handle Import or export license business in Indonesia
  14. Intersuler Services
  15. Shipping agent of FCL shipment
  16. Consolidation for LCL shipment

Selasa, 06 Desember 2022

Handling Export in Surabaya (Tanjung Perak Port)


PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT was established 2008 as an International Sea Freight forwarder and Air Freight Forwarder, Customs Brokerage, Project Cargoes, Domestic Shipments and Inland Transportation.

With its head office in Jakarta.PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT has an excellent professional reputation on due to its flexibility and serviceablity. Having its agency network throughout the world, PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT is represented in all the main areas in the dynamic world of shipping and logistic.

Our best services by Air and Sea :

  1. Customs Clearance General Cargo (Export and Import)
  2. Handling ATA carnet (Export and Import)
  3. Handling Temporary Shipment (Export and Import)
  4. Handling Personal effects (embassy, employees, student, etc.)
  5. Handling DG shipment (Export and Import)
  6. Handling Reefer container (Export and Import)
  7. Handling Flat Track Shipment (Export and Import)
  8. Handling Project cargo / Break Bulk services
  9. Undername Customs / Undername Trading 
  10. Warehouse Services
  11. Trucking or delivery Services 
  12. Consultant Export and Import
  13. Handle Import or export license business in Indonesia
  14. Intersuler Services
  15. Shipping agent of FCL shipment
  16. Consolidation for LCL shipmentHan

Handling Import In Surabaya (Tanjung Perak Port)


PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT was established 2008 as an International Sea Freight forwarder and Air Freight Forwarder, Customs Brokerage, Project Cargoes, Domestic Shipments and Inland Transportation.

With its head office in Jakarta.PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT has an excellent professional reputation on due to its flexibility and serviceablity. Having its agency network throughout the world, PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT is represented in all the main areas in the dynamic world of shipping and logistic.

Our best services by Air and Sea :

  1. Customs Clearance General Cargo (Export and Import)
  2. Handling ATA carnet (Export and Import)
  3. Handling Temporary Shipment (Export and Import)
  4. Handling Personal effects (embassy, employees, student, etc.)
  5. Handling DG shipment (Export and Import)
  6. Handling Reefer container (Export and Import)
  7. Handling Flat Track Shipment (Export and Import)
  8. Handling Project cargo / Break Bulk services
  9. Undername Customs / Undername Trading 
  10. Warehouse Services
  11. Trucking or delivery Services 
  12. Consultant Export and Import
  13. Handle Import or export license business in Indonesia
  14. Intersuler Services
  15. Shipping agent of FCL shipment
  16. Consolidation for LCL shipmentHan

Senin, 05 Desember 2022

Handling Export In Medan (Belawan Port)

PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT was established 2008 as an International Sea Freight forwarder and Air Freight Forwarder, Customs Brokerage, Project Cargoes, Domestic Shipments and Inland Transportation.

With its head office in Jakarta.PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT has an excellent professional reputation on due to its flexibility and serviceablity. Having its agency network throughout the world, PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT is represented in all the main areas in the dynamic world of shipping and logistic.

Our best services by Air and Sea :

  1. Customs Clearance General Cargo (Export and Import)
  2. Handling ATA carnet (Export and Import)
  3. Handling Temporary Shipment (Export and Import)
  4. Handling Personal effects (embassy, employees, student, etc.)
  5. Handling DG shipment (Export and Import)
  6. Handling Reefer container (Export and Import)
  7. Handling Flat Track Shipment (Export and Import)
  8. Handling Project cargo / Break Bulk services
  9. Undername Customs / Undername Trading 
  10. Warehouse Services
  11. Trucking or delivery Services 
  12. Consultant Export and Import
  13. Handle Import or export license business in Indonesia
  14. Intersuler Services
  15. Shipping agent of FCL shipment
  16. Consolidation for LCL shipment


Handling import In Medan (Belawan Port)


PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT was established 2008 as an International Sea Freight forwarder and Air Freight Forwarder, Customs Brokerage, Project Cargoes, Domestic Shipments and Inland Transportation.

With its head office in Jakarta.PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT has an excellent professional reputation on due to its flexibility and serviceablity. Having its agency network throughout the world, PT. SINAR PRATAMA TRANSPORT is represented in all the main areas in the dynamic world of shipping and logistic.

Our best services by Air and Sea :

  1. Customs Clearance General Cargo (Export and Import)
  2. Handling ATA carnet (Export and Import)
  3. Handling Temporary Shipment (Export and Import)
  4. Handling Personal effects (embassy, employees, student, etc.)
  5. Handling DG shipment (Export and Import)
  6. Handling Reefer container (Export and Import)
  7. Handling Flat Track Shipment (Export and Import)
  8. Handling Project cargo / Break Bulk services
  9. Undername Customs / Undername Trading 
  10. Warehouse Services
  11. Trucking or delivery Services 
  12. Consultant Export and Import
  13. Handle Import or export license business in Indonesia
  14. Intersuler Services
  15. Shipping agent of FCL shipment
  16. Consolidation for LCL shipment

Bea Cukai Lepas Ekspor Perdana 47 Ton Bulu Bebek dari Madura


Warta Bea Cukai

Pamekasan (25/11) – Bea Cukai Madura bersama Stasiun Karantina Pertanian Kelas II Bangkalan melepas ekspor perdana sebanyak 47 ton bulu bebek milik CV Mitra Saudara Bersama dengan tujuan Cina. Pelepasan ekspor ini dilaksanakan di gudang CV Mitra Saudara Bersama yang berlokasi di Desa Sembilangan, Kecamatan Bangkalan pada Senin (21/11).

Kepala Bea Cukai Madura, Muhammad Syahirul Alim dan Kepala Stasiun Karantina Pertanian Kelas II Bangkalan, Agus Mugiyanto turut hadir dalam pelepasan ekspor ini. Alim menjelaskan bahwa ekspor perdana ini berhasil terlaksana salah satunya berkat pendampingan dari Bea Cukai Madura melalui klinik ekspor. “Memanfaatkan klinik ekspor Bea Cukai Madura akhirnya bulu bebek dari Madura dapat di ekspor ke pasar global. Bulu bebek ini diekspor dalam keadaan kering dan telah melalui proses sortir. NIlainya pun cukup tinggi, yaitu mencapai Rp741 juta rupiah.”

Bea Cukai Madura bersama Karantina Pertanian Bangkalan terus mendukung pelaku usaha dan berbagai potensi ekspor di Madura. "Kami melalui klinik ekspor dan gerakan tiga kali ekspor (Gratieks) siap mendampingi dan mendukung pelaku usaha khususnya di Madura untuk bias memasarkan produknya di pasar mancanegara," tutup Alim.